Technical Document - Beef Cattle Productivity Index in the Brazilian Amazon (in Portuguese)
This document is a summary of the result of the first stage of the partnership between the Fundação de Estudos Agrários Luiz de Queiroz (Fealq) and the Institute of Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (IMAFLORA), aiming at building the Productivity Index of the beef cattle in the Brazilian Amazon.
Click here to access the document:
Cattle Suppliers Series Episode 2: Regularising and Unblocking Properties: Tools used in the sector
The second episode of the series shows the tools available to help cattle farms in the Amazon, that have been embargoed or have environmental issues, to be reinserted into the market.
Long-term strategies of the beef industry: understanding the objectives and targets
JBS and Marfrig announced their long-term strategies to improve their socio-environmental performance
Video with highlights of Beef on Track
Did you miss the first live sessions and want to know more about the implementation of the Livestock Supplier Monitoring Protocol in the Amazon? Watch the video, compiled by Imaflora, of the main talks with beef industry representatives, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the retail sector and civil society.