Technical Document - Beef Cattle Productivity Index in the Brazilian Amazon (in Portuguese)
This document is a summary of the result of the first stage of the partnership between the Fundação de Estudos Agrários Luiz de Queiroz (Fealq) and the Institute of Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (IMAFLORA), aiming at building the Productivity Index of the beef cattle in the Brazilian Amazon.
Click here to access the document:
Workshop in Cuiabá offers more information to meatpackers about the Audit Protocol
The event took place on Tuesday (23/11) and included debates between representatives of meatpackers and other companies.
Workshop for retailers in Cuiabá debates traceability of the cattle chain
The event took place on Wednesday (24/11) and was attended by representatives from Big Lar, Machado and Comper.
GTPS reaffirms public commitment
The Sustainable Livestock Working Group (GTPS) released last week a Public Commitment for the sustainable development of livestock farming.