Technical Report: Needs and challenges for Traceability by Brazilian Tanneries
Publication shows the outcome of the third stage of Beef on Track - Leather Value Chain Action. The overall objective of this line of action is to increase the use of Leather Platforms to include criteria regarding Monitoring and Verification of the Accountability Framework Initiative (AFi) in their certification processes. Beef on Track, January 2021.
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Cattle Suppliers Series Episode 4: Cattle Ranching on Indigenous Land: How to tackle land regularisation?
The fourth episode focuses on the legal impossibility of regulating indigenous land.
Videos show the challenges involved in monitoring the livestock chain
The series will include six videos subtitled in english.
The Accountability Framework completes two years and continues to drive actions for deforestation-free chains in the Amazon and Cerrado regions
Imaflora was inspired by the initiative's criteria when creating the Beef on Track and Soy on Track programs, which work towards compliance with sector agreements in the beef and soy chains