Suppliers of livestock chain: full series out now
The final episodes of the six-video series to offer proposals on how to improve the monitoring of properties that produce and supply cattle to beef companies and how to reinsert the producers into the system has just been released.
The final two videos include solutions for monitoring the beef production chain in the Amazon. The main beef companies operating in the Amazon have a commitment to monitor their direct cattle suppliers, which are the fattening farms before the animal is slaughtered.
However, indirect suppliers, i.e. the farms where the calves are born and bred, are also part of this production chain. Improving and extending monitoring is essential towards ensuring that beef does not come from illegally deforested areas.
In episode 5, the topic How to move forward in chain traceability directly addresses the monitoring program for suppliers and indirect suppliers in the livestock chain and issues related to transparency. "Ten years after the signing of the (meat TAC) commitments it is hard to say if a piece of meat did not come from a deforested area. Even for a direct supplier.” This was the opening statement of the speech made by Ana Paula Valdiones, coordinator of the Environmental Transparency Program of the Centro de Vida Institute (ICV).
Episode 6, How to move forward in creating solutions, offers instruments and proposals on how to overcome the challenge of deforestation by engaging direct and indirect suppliers. "By monitoring direct suppliers, you have a coverage of approximately 42% of deforestation, and when you include the indirect ones, this jumps to 92% of deforestation coverage", explained Pedro Burnier, manager of the Agricultural Chains Program of Amigos da Terra.
Episode 5 - Indirect suppliers - How to move forward in chain traceability
Episode 6 - Indirect suppliers - How to move forward in creating solutions
Watch the other episodes:
Episode 1: Regulating and Unblocking properties: how to reintroduce the producer into the system?
Episode 2: Regulating and Unblocking Properties: Tools used in the sector
Episode 3: Cattle-ranching in conservation units: How to tackle land regulation?
Episode 4: Cattle Ranching on Indigenous Land: How to tackle land regulation?
Fernando Sampaio, executive director of the State Committee of the PCI/MT Strategy, Vasco Picchi, director of new business at Safe Trace, Rubens Sampaio, municipal secretary of environment of Marabá (PA), Erich Masson, prosecutor of the Federal Public Prosecution Office in Mato Grosso, Bruno Andrade, director of operations of the Mato Grosso Beef Institute (Imac), Maurício Fraga Filho, president of Acripará, Mauro Lúcio Costa, vice-president of Acripará, Raoni Rajão, professor and researcher of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Josafá Dutra, family agriculture producer, Márcio Nappo, Sustainability director of JBS, Susy Yoshimura, Sustainability and Compliance director of GPA/Assaí, and Pedro Burnier, manager of the Agricultural Chains Program of Friends of the Earth.
Workshop in Cuiabá offers more information to meatpackers about the Audit Protocol
The event took place on Tuesday (23/11) and included debates between representatives of meatpackers and other companies.
Workshop offers training for meatpackers about the Audit Protocol for Cattle Commitments in the Amazon
Event in Manaus laid out the guidelines and procedures for the verification of the Term of Adjustment of Conduct (TAC) for Beef
The differences between the commitments of the beef chain
The transition to more responsible beef production in the Amazon requires the full implementation of the commitments assumed in 2009 by several sectors.