International guest at Quinta do Boi
“Na Quinta do Boi” of Imaflora's Beef on track programme will be streamed live on July 29 at 10 AM and will receive guests to address the topic Regulating the Beef Value Chain: the criteria from the Brazilian and international demand side.
The issue features Elena Antoni of Trade Hub, an organisation that promotes a sustainable trading system that improves biodiversity results and social development prospects in producing countries, with a focus on agricultural commodity flow.
The meeting will be hosted by James Allen, CEO of Olab. The guests are Rafael Rocha, public prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Amazonas, Peter Herman May of the Graduate Programme in Development, Agriculture and Society of the Federal Rural University of Rio - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (CPDA/UFRRJ), Ricardo Negrini, Public Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Pará state; and Pedro Amaral, Senior Sustainability Manager of Mars. The live session will be open to questions from the audience at this link. “Na Quinta do Boi” can be accessed on Youtube and Zoom.
Cattle Suppliers Series Episode 2: Regularising and Unblocking Properties: Tools used in the sector
The second episode of the series shows the tools available to help cattle farms in the Amazon, that have been embargoed or have environmental issues, to be reinserted into the market.
Infographic: Recommendations for Leather Traceability
Publication brings step by step traceability to the bovine leather chain in Brazil. Beef on Track, March 2021.
Video with highlights of Beef on Track
Did you miss the first live sessions and want to know more about the implementation of the Livestock Supplier Monitoring Protocol in the Amazon? Watch the video, compiled by Imaflora, of the main talks with beef industry representatives, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the retail sector and civil society.