JBS and Public Prosecutor’s Office in the press: understand the case and the way forward
The Public Prosecutor’s Office is in charge of the governance of the beef processors' commitments under the Term of Adjustment of Conduct (TAC) for the beef industry. As such, the Office has the prerogative and public authority to take any action it deems necessary with the signatories. The fact that a beef processing plant has implemented the tools developed jointly by Imaflora and the Public Prosecutor’s Office, through the Beef on Track Program, does not exempt the companies from any proceeding initiated before the judiciary power.
Article published on October 1 by the O Eco portal stating that an ordinance of July 1 of the Public Prosecutor’s Office established a civil inquiry to verify the purchase by JBS, in 2020, of cattle from the Princesa do Araguaia farm (located in Palestina do Pará/PA), where irregular deforestation was allegedly identified in 2009, 2010, 2012, 2016 and 2017.
In addition, the Office is investigating if the farm that supplied JBS had made an irregular rectification in its Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) to avoid environmental licensing. According to the report, JBS denies that such irregularity occurred. According to the company, the Princesa do Araguaia farm was blocked in its supplier system but was unblocked before the purchase under the terms of the Cattle Supplier Monitoring Protocol.
The Protocol is an initiative of the Beef on Track Program containing the guidelines for implementing the Beef TAC and setting rules for unblocking properties. Developed by Imaflora in partnership with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Beef on Track is a cooperation aimed at strengthening the social and environmental commitments of the beef value chain in the Amazon and boosting its implementation by beef processors and retailers that purchase beef from the biome, as well as technology companies and civil society organizations.
"The Monitoring Protocol is the result of a collective effort, not only by the Public Prosecutor’s Office and Imaflora, but also by the sector, the stakeholders of this livestock production chain, particularly beef companies and retailers. The role of the Public Prosecutor's Office is to abide by the terms of this document and decide on the validity of the document, the adoption of the Monitoring Protocol so that it is followed mandatorily under the terms of the TAC. “In regard to the JBS issue, the matter is being assessed and we cannot draw any conclusions as of yet because it is under investigation," explained Federal Prosecutor Ricardo Negrini.
Understanding the Monitoring Protocol
This protocol, created by several hands, became official on July 1, 2020.
Workshop offers training for meatpackers about the Audit Protocol for Cattle Commitments in the Amazon
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