G1: Deforestation is far from zero
The IPCC report, which states that a rise of 1.5°C to 2°C in global temperatures will occur this century if there is no large reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, was the subject of the world press last week. G1 article highlights: Brazil has not detailed targets for the Paris Agreement and deforestation is far from zero.
See report at: https://g1.globo.com/natureza/noticia/2021/08/09/aquecimento-global-brasil-nao-detalhou-metas-para-o-acordo-de-paris-e-desmatamento-esta-longe-de-zero.ghtml?utm_source=leadlovers&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=&utm_content=CURADORIA%200908%20-%2016082021%20Especial%20destaques%20do%20relatrio%20do%20IPCC
O Globo: With cattle burps as the main source of methane, cattle-ranching is key for Brazil to reduce emissions
Article discusses the obstacles and changes needed for the country to achieve the global target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
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The Beef on Track Project is a joint effort to strengthen the social and environmental commitments of the beef value chain in the Amazon and drive its implementation.
The differences between the commitments of the beef chain
The transition to more responsible beef production in the Amazon requires the full implementation of the commitments assumed in 2009 by several sectors.