Workshop for retailers in Cuiabá debates traceability of the cattle chain
Goals to reduce GHG emissions and international projects to monitor the cattle chain were some of the topics discussed in the workshop for retailers, which took place on Wednesday (24/11) in Cuiabá.
"Traceability rules will start to be required within Europe. For example, if a German company buys beef from an area of illegal deforestation, it can be sued within the country", stated Erich Masson from the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Mato Grosso. "There is great pressure for the circulation of environmentally friendly products," he added.
The event, organized by Imaflora's Beef on Track Program, in partnership with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, is one more in a series that encompasses several states and aims to train professionals in building and improving a Beef Purchasing Policy. This edition was attended by representatives from Big Lar, Machado and Comper.
The next workshop for retailers will take place on 1 December in Porto Velho (RO). For more information:

Infographic: Recommendations for Leather Traceability
Publication brings step by step traceability to the bovine leather chain in Brazil. Beef on Track, March 2021.
Panel at COP-26 discusses solutions for low carbon emissions in farming and cattle-ranching
The event presented the first results of a study by Imaflora's Carbon on Track Program. Watch in full here!
The differences between the commitments of the beef chain
The transition to more responsible beef production in the Amazon requires the full implementation of the commitments assumed in 2009 by several sectors.