Cattle Suppliers Series Episode 3: Cattle Ranching in Protected Areas: how to tackle land regularisation?
The third episode talks about how to address this issue in protected areas and the governance needed to come up with solutions. The opening statements are made by Fernando Sampaio, executive director of the State Committee for the PCI/MT Strategy with the participation of Raoni Rajão, professor and researcher at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).
Publications offer analysis and guidelines for the leather chain
The documents offered are part of the Leather Value Chain of the Beef on Track Program
Video with highlights of Beef on Track
Did you miss the first live sessions and want to know more about the implementation of the Livestock Supplier Monitoring Protocol in the Amazon? Watch the video, compiled by Imaflora, of the main talks with beef industry representatives, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the retail sector and civil society.
The differences between the commitments of the beef chain
The transition to more responsible beef production in the Amazon requires the full implementation of the commitments assumed in 2009 by several sectors.