Workshop helps retailers build a Beef Procurement Policy
The first edition of the Training Workshop of the Guide for Retailers: Developing an Effective Beef Procurement Policy took place on October 6th in the city of Rio Branco, Acre. The meetings, promoted by the Beef on Track Program of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and Imaflora, aim to support retailers in building/improving a beef procurement policy with their suppliers and customers.
The content of the workshop is based on the 2013 Technical Cooperation Agreement for Sustainable Livestock, a partnership between the Brazilian Supermarket Association (Abras) and the Public Prosecutor’s Office, created to encourage the Brazilian supermarket sector to stop purchasing beef from deforested areas in the Amazon and others with environmental and social discrepancies.
The event in Rio Branco was the first of a series, which will also be held in the following cities: Marabá, Santarém and Belém (Pará), Cuiabá (Mato Grosso), Porto Velho (Rondônia) and São Paulo (SP). The next workshop will be in Manaus on October 20th at Novotel Manaus, avenida Mandii, 4, Distrito Industrial I (register here:
Beef on Track Program records history in book
From Commitment to Action: the track of responsible beef in the Brazilian Amazon. This book creates a time line of the commitments adopted by the cattle-ranching chain since the end of the 2010s
Aligning the market
The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mato Grosso state works at engaging beef processors that have not adhered to the Legal Beef TAC
Beef on Track Program publishes the Monitoring Protocol
Document enables the comparison of audits of meatpackers and increases data consistency