Repórter Brasil: BNDES finances beef companies that buy from deforested farms and use slave labour
Social and environmental commitments have been put in place over the years in the country's production chains. However, they are not always enough to avoid irregularities in the agricultural and livestock sector, as an exclusive article by the NGO Repórter Brasil shows. According to data released by the entity, the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES) is financing beef processors that slaughter animals raised on farms that have been illegally deforested, embargoed by Ibama, overlap into conservation units or indigenous lands or that use slave labour in their activities.
To check which irregular beef companies have received support from BNDES and to see more information about this topic, see the full story here
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The Beef on Track Project is a joint effort to strengthen the social and environmental commitments of the beef value chain in the Amazon and drive its implementation.
Second edition of Training Workshop for Retailers takes place in Manaus
Event seeks to help companies build and improve a beef procurement policy
Aligning the market
The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mato Grosso state works at engaging beef processors that have not adhered to the Legal Beef TAC