Protocol for the Monitoring of Cattle Suppliers in the Amazon is available on the website
The first Audit Protocol for the Monitoring of Cattle Suppliers in the Amazon has just been uploaded to the website of the Beef on Track Program. This is an important milestone towards ensuring a more sustainable cattle-breeding chain that complies with socio-environmental commitments.
Officially approved by the 4th Coordination and Review Chamber (Environment and Cultural Heritage) of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), the document was edited by the Beef on Track Program, an initiative of the Institute for Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (Imaflora), and defines the parameters and details the rules for the auditing of suppliers and cattle purchases.
See the protocol in full here:
Cattle Suppliers Series Episode 6: Indirect Suppliers: How to move forward in creating solutions?
This video offers instruments and proposals on how to overcome the challenge of deforestation by engaging direct and indirect suppliers.
Workshop for retailers in Cuiabá debates traceability of the cattle chain
The event took place on Wednesday (24/11) and was attended by representatives from Big Lar, Machado and Comper.
Suppliers of livestock chain: full series out now
Imaflora launches the last two episodes of the video series on monitoring cattle production in the Amazon