Protocol for the Monitoring of Cattle Suppliers in the Amazon is available on the website
The first Audit Protocol for the Monitoring of Cattle Suppliers in the Amazon has just been uploaded to the website of the Beef on Track Program. This is an important milestone towards ensuring a more sustainable cattle-breeding chain that complies with socio-environmental commitments.
Officially approved by the 4th Coordination and Review Chamber (Environment and Cultural Heritage) of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), the document was edited by the Beef on Track Program, an initiative of the Institute for Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (Imaflora), and defines the parameters and details the rules for the auditing of suppliers and cattle purchases.
See the protocol in full here:
GTPS reaffirms public commitment
The Sustainable Livestock Working Group (GTPS) released last week a Public Commitment for the sustainable development of livestock farming.
Workshop offers training for meatpackers about the Audit Protocol for Cattle Commitments in the Amazon
Event laid out the guidelines for the verification of the Term of Adjustment of Conduct (TAC) for Beef to representatives of five companies
Study calculates maximum yield per area to avoid cattle laundering
Beef on Track's Infobrief 3 presents the results of a study that calculates the productivity index of cattle ranches