Panel at COP-26 discusses solutions for low carbon emissions in farming and cattle-ranching
On Saturday (6/11), the panel "Solutions for gaining scale in low carbon emission practices in Brazilian farming and cattle-ranching" took place during COP-26, which presented the first results of a study by Imaflora’s Carbon on Track Program for Minerva Foods.
See more about the panel by clicking here
Protocol for the Monitoring of Cattle Suppliers in the Amazon is available on the website
After official approval by the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), the protocol coordinated by Imaflora defines the parameters and details the rules for the auditing of suppliers and cattle purchases.
Technical Document - Beef Cattle Productivity Index in the Brazilian Amazon (in Portuguese)
This document is a summary of the result of the first stage of the partnership between the Fundação de Estudos Agrários Luiz de Queiroz (Fealq) and the Institute of Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (IMAFLORA), aiming at building the Productivity Index of the beef cattle in the Brazilian Amazon.
Repórter Brasil: BNDES finances beef companies that buy from deforested farms and use slave labour
Research by NGO Repórter Brasil shows that, despite the bank's internal by-laws forbidding the slaughter of animals in illegal areas, control is still lacking and contracts continue to be upheld