Cattle Suppliers Series Episode 6: Indirect Suppliers: How to move forward in creating solutions?
This video offers instruments and proposals on how to overcome the challenge of deforestation by engaging direct and indirect suppliers. "By monitoring direct suppliers, you have a coverage of approximately 42% of deforestation, and when you include the indirect ones, this goes to 92% of deforestation coverage", explained Pedro Burnier, manager of the Agricultural Chains Program of Amigos da Terra.
Technical Document - Beef Cattle Productivity Index in the Brazilian Amazon (in Portuguese)
This document is a summary of the result of the first stage of the partnership between the Fundação de Estudos Agrários Luiz de Queiroz (Fealq) and the Institute of Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (IMAFLORA), aiming at building the Productivity Index of the beef cattle in the Brazilian Amazon.
Protocol for the Monitoring of Cattle Suppliers in the Amazon is available on the website
After official approval by the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), the protocol coordinated by Imaflora defines the parameters and details the rules for the auditing of suppliers and cattle purchases.
Technical Report: Analysis of Leather Certification Systems and Recommendations
The aim of this report is to offer our final review and recommendations concerning Leather Certification Systems as proposed in the fourth stage of the Beef on Track Program – Leather Value Chain Action. Beef on Track, February 2021.