O Globo: With cattle burps as the main source of methane, cattle-ranching is key for Brazil to reduce emissions
An article published by O Globo newspaper on Wednesday (3/11), discusses the obstacles that Brazil will have to face to meet the global target of reducing 30% of methane emissions and what governmental and behavioural changes are needed to honour the commitment.
"If there is one country that has the potential to cut methane emissions it is Brazil. Our emissions do not come from burning fossil fuels, but rather from livestock production,” stated Marina Piatto, Imaflora's executive director. "We have technologies in the agricultural sector in Brazil, but they need to be available not only to a few. We need to have an all-encompassing low-carbon agriculture plan," she added.
Read the full article at https://oglobo.globo.com/mundo/com-arroto-de-boi-como-principal-fonte-de-metano-agropecuaria-chave-para-brasil-reduzir-emissoes-25262898
Moneytimes: Frigol concludes cattle traceability from farm to table with QR Code
An article in Moneytimes shows that Frigol announced the conclusion of the first stage of its origin control program with the implementation of social and environmental traceability for 100% of its direct suppliers.
Regulating blocked cattle suppliers is possible
The meatpackers can monitor their cattle suppliers more consistently while also helping them to continue qualified to supply, especially with regard to the regulations and liabilities of farms that have been blocked.
Workshop helps retailers build a Beef Procurement Policy
Event held by the Beef on Track Program in Acre kicks off a series of events that will take place in six more cities.